In order to have access to the information delivered by the e-shape Help Desk, registration is required.
In order to have access to the information delivered by the e-shape Help Desk, registration is required.
Helpdesk manager/Moderator?? will administer the request within two (2) business days.
You will receive either an email to inform you that your issue has been reviewed and/or resolved by the HD; receive an email for additional information; or, your ticket will have be transferred immediately to another support group for resolution.
The e-shape project will implement a coordinated and comprehensive EO data exploitation initiative through collaboration amongst the European GEO Members and Participating Organizations in order to accelerate the users’ uptake of open EO data and information for the benefit of Europe.
The general objectives are to set-up and promote a sustainable organization dedicated to users’ uptake of European EO resources, building on Copernicus and GEOSS through the development of co-design pilots (i.e. application-oriented products, services or solutions) built on a user-centric approach and delivering economic, social and policy value to European citizens.
A key element of our planning for e-shape is to on-board further pilots during the project.
The on-boarded pilots will be considered as new partners to the project. They will have passed through an open, fair and competitive process; and will have the same obligations then the other partners. Candidates for on-boarding will be considered annually and are expected to come from many sources.
Co-design approach promotes the collaboration between research actors, operational actors and private companies in 7 showcase thematic areas.
The co-design methods have to be tuned to the e-shape context and domains of application.
Each horizontal WP has a strategic activity aiming at extracting the most and the best out of each activity for the benefit of the whole European business community developing services based on EO. The methodology puts the users through the co-design approach at the centre of the work programme, to develop pilots adapted to their needs. Each pilot has a least one identified user that engage itself to participate to the activities.
GEOSS is a set of coordinated, independent Earth observation, information and processing systems that interact and provide access to diverse information for a broad range of users in both public and private sectors.
EuroGEO Initiative is the European component of the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) with a focus on coordination and scaling-up user-driven applications being developed in Europe.
This GEO regional initiative aims to improve user uptake of Earth Observation data and improve forecasting capabilities for sound decision-making by governments for Europe’s benefit.
EuroGEO offers a trans-European innovation development infrastructure with major assets (access to knowledge/ capital/ technology/ markets) to support the development of high-potential EO concepts towards mature operational services. The system is open to supporting the implementation of external pilots.
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